Visual Smalltalk: Family

Visual Smalltalk: Family, continues to explore the relationship between person and environment. The subject of these images are members of my own family on a family vacation to a foreign country, with the only familiar ties being each other. In every image the environment acts as a frame, surrounding the subjects or focal point, allowing the scenery to dominate the viewer’s eye, and the subject to become a part of it. By allowing the environment to function as a lens through which to view the subjects, the viewer feels the uninterrupted mood of the scene as if nobody is there watching at all, and takes the position of a voyeur witnessing vulnerable, intimate moments shared between someone else’s family and their environments. Most scenes depicted are mundane activities such as sitting, unpacking, waiting by a car, which because of the lighting and staged-like quality of the compositions, they feel almost like stills from a movie, which adds to the feeling of voyeurism.

Stuck At the Border

Stuck At the Border



Horsing Around

Horsing Around

Joy and Plant

Joy and Plant




Visual Smalltalk: International Students